The Exercise: Stagger Stance Squat
This exercise is going to be tougher than a typical squat and as you can see from the photo, will work your muscles more in the way your position yourself on your bike. This is a killer exercise for those power muscles in your legs.
How to Do it:
I could not find a decent video tutorial on this, but basically you will stagger your feet, just a bit farther than the distance you would position your feet on your pedals, not as far apart as a lunge. You can perform this exercise with bodyweight only, or with a weight in the hand opposite your lead leg. Slowly lower down as far as you can without letting your front knee go out past your toes. Your back knee might come almost to the floor if you are pretty strong. Keep you upper body upright. Push back up through the heel of your lead leg. Try to hold as much weight as possible in your leading leg, using your back leg for balance and support.
The Challenge:
Do about five of these using body weight only and not coming down as far as you might be able, just as a warm up. Make sure to switch legs and do five on the other side too!
Rest 30 sec
Aim for 10-15 on each leg using bodyweight only.
Rest for 1 minute
Feeling strong? Add a 5-10 lb hand weight or kettlebell and aim for 15-20 on each leg. Never done these before? Just go with your bodyweight and aim for 15-20 on each leg.
Rest for 1 minute, shake out those legs!
Do a repeat of 15-20 on each leg using a hand weight or body weight only.
Yay! Challenge met! Bet you're tired now!
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