So, I was going to write a post about my vacation (it was epic), but then I went on a ride with some local ladies and was inspired to write about all the awesome women I've met so far in this epic sport.
Shredder Stef and I being Dirty Janes at Mountain Creek, one stop on the epic vacation. |
I recently was chosen as a "Jane", an ambassador for the website and being a Jane has made me want to learn even more and promote our love for all things bike with women wherever they are. AnnKa and Moe, the power couple that runs DirtyJane are so amazingly supportive and helpful.
First DH race 2012--In my blue Tough Chik shirt. Great turnout for the ladies! |
I have also been on "Team Tough Chik" for the past two years, a group of rad woman all over the world who are very active in running, triathlons, and biking. We race for
Tough Chik, a clothing company run by the amazing Shannon. It is a great group of supportive woman, and even though I am the only DH girl on the team at the moment, I feel like I am inspiring more of the ladies who bike to point their steeds down steeper stuff, which is a great feeling indeed.
I started dabbling in mountain biking in July 2009, and really got into trail riding the following summer. I reached out to a few women in the beginning that I continue to ride with to this day. They were all really patient and helpful when I was starting out and getting my fitness level up. I had to lose 30 lbs back at the start of it all. I had to break out of my shell to reach out into the biking community and find women to ride with. Sadly, they don't always just see you and invite you out. So if you are just starting out, ASK other ladies if you can join them. Most are happy to oblige! I have really been trying to reach out and encourage ladies who might be new in the sport because I know how out of the loop I felt when I was starting out. It is intimidating to be in such a male dominated sport and I think sometimes that makes women a bit closed off. Introduce yourself at races, be outgoing even if you are the shyest person on the planet, wear a skirt to get people's attention, whatever it takes to make you feel more badass is the way to go. Because women make badass mountain bikers.
In the beginning, July 2009...riding the local dirt jumps solo before reaching out to the local ladies. |
Some of the first vixens I rode with: Genisis, Moni, and Caitlin. |
Over the past few years I have been to women's camps, women's weekends, raced in women's divisions in XC, Downhill, and Super D (with an aspiration to try some BMX too!). There are women everywhere in the sport, though not in huge numbers, which is kind of nice because you get to know EVERY one of them! And we are all an inspiration to each other in some way, and we understand the fear and hesitation of other women and know how to encourage each other to work through it. Learning to ride XC, dirt jumps, DH, BMX, can all be difficult, but in the end it is always fun and always worth it. Every moment on the bike is a reminder of being a little girl with skinned knees from riding up and down my gravel driveway going as fast as I could. Being on a bike is freedom...and we women allow ourselves so little of that with all our obligations and to do lists. So, if you are having second thoughts about getting on your mountain bike, or if you feel alone in your local mtb community, don't give up! Get back on those pedals and go girl! All of these women are out there waiting to ride with you too...
Susan and her daughter CJ join me on the trails a lot...on bikes and horses! |
Corinne and I on the dual slalom podium at Beech Mountain, she was so encouraging! |
Zoe (right) is a crazy dirt vixen from Slovakia who loves to dirt jump and slaughters everyone in XC. | |
I raced with Sandra (ctr) and Marci (rt) all season at Beech Mt last year. This was at Gravity Nationals waiting for our runs in the mud-we were the only women riding in Cat 3 that day. |
Riding in Philadelphia in 18 degree weather with Stef. |
Snowshoe Women's Weekend with some rad ladies! |
Heather and Jennifer were super supportive and inspiring at my first DH race this season! |
Fall at Lake Norman with Averee and Susan, (and Caroline taking photo!) |
The ride that inspired this post. With Ashley and Andrea. |
Last summer riding with XC vixens Stephanie and Candi. |
Ray's Women's Weekend with Jess. She recently won an awesome mtb trip to BC! So Jealous. |
Post Cranskgiving Enduro with Shanna, Karrie, and Caroline. Really surprised we are still smiling. |
Winter Short Track Series beginner women podium with Andrea and Kelly kickin' my butt! |
Now get out there and say hello to any lady you see on a bike and you will have a great photo collection of all your rad dirt vixen friends too...and ladies to ride with anywhere you go!!