My 38th birthday weekend has just passed. I don't feel like I have aged much in the past few years--gotten younger if anything. I am in better shape, having more fun, and living a "younger" lifestyle. Spending time in the woods and mountains definitely keeps you young!!
To celebrate my birthday I spent 2 days at the USA Cycling Gravity National Championships practicing and competing in the women's Category 3 (beginner) downhill race. I only had one rival in my class--where are all the women? This sport is intimidating, but believe me, once you get started it is hella fun!!! Practice day offered great conditions, but I think I was PMS-ing. You know when silly commercials make your cry, ladies? Well, I was finding going down the trail terrifying and frustrating and nearly had a mental breakdown--and I've raced on this same trail before!! Well, I got some coaching from a fellow DH Maven and was able to work through the teary-eyed breakdown moments to have a few successful practice runs. Then overnight it POURED. And conditions were not so pretty the next morning. First practice run had me wondering how in the world I was ever going to get to the bottom of the mountain. But I had to, so I made it happen. Conditions improved slightly by my race time and I had a pretty good run--finishing first in my class--National Champion--hellz yeah!
After the awards ceremony, my BF/coach and I packed up and headed off to Snowshoe to meet some friends for a few days of serious downhill riding. On Saturday we woke up to rain, but one must make the most of the time you are given, so we geared up and set off for the lifts. Mud was the norm, but once I got accustomed to it, I began to love it. It slowed me down just enough that I didn't have to constantly be on the brakes--I felt so much more comfortable letting my bike roll and carry speed and it was awesome! When we started out I was a little nervous, but I gradually worked through that residual PMS and started to trust my bike and was killing it! (at least I felt like I was.)
Day 2 was much drier and the sun came out--had to use a lot more brake, but I rode some gnarly trails and felt so confident doing it.
All in all it was a great 38th birthday spent with all my awesome new and old riding friends. West Virginia was so beautiful and the weather was to die for. I love being in the mountains--and on the mountains, oh, and as for the through the mountains part of the trip--we took Rt. 77 up from Boone and went through 2 mountain tunnels to get to Snowshoe. I have a fondness for mountain tunnels, they remind me of childhood summer family vacations to upstate NY.
Just two more weeks and we will be in WV again, this time I will be riding in a women's DH camp with Tammy Donahugh--so excited!!!